Free ebook

Free ebook

5 Mistakes
Women Make
That Keep Them
From Feeling & Looking

And How to Fix All
of Them Forever,
Step by Step

Discover How to Create a New Mindset
That Will Transform Your Health and
to Wellness & Fat Loss

Discover How to Create a New Mindset That Will Transform Your Health and Approach to Wellness & Fat Loss

Do these problems sound familiar?


I feel like I'm going downhill as I age


I'm unhappy with my body weight


I've given up on feeling amazing as I get older


I feel sluggish, old, and tired

Would you like help figuring out what to do about it?

In this powerful free ebook, you’ll get all the details you need to gain a new mindset perspective on outmoded diet ideas with new ones to implement for a successful approach to optimal health and fat loss.

Do these problems
sound familiar?


I feel like I'm going downhill as I age


I'm unhappy with my body weight


I've given up on feeling amazing as I get older


I feel sluggish, old, and tired

Would you like help figuring out what to do about it?

In this powerful free ebook, you’ll get all the details you need to gain a new mindset perspective on outmoded diet ideas with new ones to implement for a successful approach to optimal health and fat loss.

Meet Julia

Meet Julia

Julia Linn had a case of childhood diabetes which caused kidney failure, heart disease, retinopathy (diabetic blindness) and nerve damage. At age 34 a double organ transplant cured the diabetes and gave her a working kidney. Later, at age 48, Julia required a triple cardiac bypass as the heart disease progressed, plus her thyroid was removed.

Always health conscious, Julia decided she wanted to be in the best shape of her life by the 30th anniversary of her life-saving transplant. Her ultimate goal was optimal health, not weight loss. She wanted energy to continue living her dreams, and reaching her goals. Tremendous gratitude for the gift of life was her WHY.

Starting a fitness program as an out-of-shape 62-year-old, within two years she was competing on stage in two NPC Bikini Masters Body Building Competitions, where she won first and third place. Julia remembers days in the ICU when she didn’t know if she was ever going to go home. To be able to lift weights and feel strong, alive, and energetic is the ultimate gift she wants to share with what she calls Queenagers. To live your best life, you need to feel fabulous!

Julia is a seasoned educator and workshop facilitator of 40+ years, teaching at universities and seminars all over the world. She holds certification from the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) as a Personal Trainer. She trains in the gym five to six days a week and follows a macro-based nutrition plan. She has completely transformed her body and her health. But more importantly, she has transformed inwardly – the real change takes place on the inside. She wants you to know if she can do it, you can too.

Don’t know where to start? Julia has developed a step-by-step sustainable approach in her program called Body Beauty Love Life™.

Her goal is to help you understand how to get in the best shape of your life.