Julia Linn’s

30-Day Mindset Reset Intensive

A proven framework to transformation for women over 40.
Lose the mindset that has you stuck in a body you aren’t happy with.

Take action in new ways that bypass past failures and get you quick results.

before and after

The Spiritual Weight Loss Solution:

Where do you start?

Julia Linn’s 30-Day Mindset Reset Intensive! The Spiritual Weight Loss Solution.

A Powerful 4-Step Proven Framework for Women Over 40


In addition to the live stream coaching sessions with Julia, Accountability Circle Meetings take place every Monday.

Join at 12 noon or 7:00 pm EDT on these dates:
September 9th, 16th, 22nd, and 30th 

The intensive opens soon..

“This is an amazing program taught by an inspiring woman. I love everything Julia represents and her message will transform your life.”



  • Lack of consistency to an exercise routine
  • Nutrition challenges (what, when, how much)
  • Food as reward, weapon, numbing medication, boredom alleviation
  • Lack of Motivation: due to mindset, health challenges & exhaustion or all 3
  • Lifestyle challenges: sedentary, no time, full-time caregiving


  • Feel free and confident in your body
  • Like what you see in the mirror
  • Have no fear of food or failure
  • Be healthier & stronger than when you were in your 30s
  • Be a truth teller, not the woman obsessing about her body
  • Feel relevant, sexy, feminine, and powerful
  • Live a life without limitations because you feel amazing


What’s Included

What’s Included

  • Weekly livestream calls with Julia Linn
  • Weekly group accountability calls
  • Worksheets & exercises for Mindset shifts
  • Journaling prompts
  • Basic nutrition information
  • Starting workout routine for home or gym


Note: the emphasis will be on Mindset in this intensive, but also touch on nutrition and training. Often, all three is too much at once. We avoid overwhelm. Anyone wanting to continue and get more specific on nutrition and training can find that in the 6-month program, FABULOUS After 50 (and 40!).

Client Love: Working With Julia

“Julia’s Live Mindset Reset Class was amazing. It was more than what I expected and, very informative and motivating. I learned so much and have tools and resources to move forward with my goals (mentally and physically).”


The 30-Day Intensive Mindset Reset Program will open again soon.

Meet Julia

Meet Julia

Julia Linn had a case of childhood diabetes which caused kidney failure, heart disease, retinopathy (diabetic blindness) and nerve damage. At age 34 she had a double organ transplant which cured the diabetes and gave her a working kidney. Fourteen years later at age 48, Julia required a triple cardiac bypass as the heart disease progressed, and two years later her thyroid was removed.

Always health conscious, Julia decided she wanted to be in the best shape of her life by the 30th- anniversary of the life-saving transplant. Her goal was optimal health, not weight loss. She wanted the energy to continue living her dreams, and reaching her goals. A tremendous gratitude for the gift of life was her WHY. 

She started a fitness program as an out-of-shape 62-year old, and within two years she was competing on stage in two NPC Bikini Masters Body Building Competitions, where she came in first and third. Julia remembers days in the ICU when she didn’t know if she was ever going to go home. To be able to lift weights, feel strong, alive and energetic is the ultimate gift she wants to share with what she calls Queenagers.

Julia is a seasoned educator and workshop facilitator of 40+ years teaching at universities and seminars all over the world. She holds certification from the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) as a Certified Personal Trainer. She trains in the gym five days a week and follows a macro-based nutrition plan. She has completely transformed her body and her health. But more importantly she has transformed inwardly – the real change takes place on the inside. She wants all women to know if she can do it, they can do it. And her goal is to help you understand how to get in the best shape of your life.

Client Love

Client Love

I just want to say that I have really moved forward with my mindset since engaging your program. I absolutely love how you are approaching Transformation.

Julia is a talented communicator who conveyed basic principles and concepts very clearly. She provided worksheets, exercises, and resources to complement her presentations. These materials were all available through multiple platforms. Julia is very kind, real, and is always open to any questions from the group. I am very much looking forward to more interactions with her in her next steps more in depth programs.


You are such a positive influence and support, I love how transparent and real you are…THANK YOU!!!

Thank you, Julia for an inspiring and Powerful second session. My words this week are Rising. Responsive. Regulated. And so great to be in this community of powerful beauty.

I enjoyed all of the information provided, the ability to ask questions. Having access to the recordings and material to review was great

You are a wonderful teacher and explain things very clearly with examples. I liked having the ability to ask questions and have you respond in real time. I also liked having the slack chat where we could post something to the entire group. You are very organized and made sure we had access to all of the course materials.

Julia’s emphasis on mindset was the best benefit of the class. Change is difficult and Julia filled me with hope and gave me tools to contemplate changing lifelong self-sabotaging to sustainable choices for healthy living. The lessons were so informative. The question and answer session at the end of each presentation added a layer of insight from different perspectives of the participants.