Inner Circle

You’re In!

This is going to be YOUR YEAR!

A very warm welcome to you for entering into MY INNER CIRCLE for 10 months of custom coaching in mindset, nutrition and weight training – we are going to accomplish so much!

Thank you for your deposit which secures your spot in MY INNER CIRCLE Premium Coaching Program!

Next Steps

→ Fee Schedule:

If you decide to pay in full, the balance is due in 30 days. With Paid-in-Full you get an extra month free – 11 months of coaching!

If monthly payments are your choice, the first payment will also come due in 30 days.

My team will send you an email with a link as a reminder whichever option you choose.


→ Intake Questionnaire:

Kindly fill out this form before the onboarding call, which you will schedule below.


→ Onboarding call:

This is a link to my personal calendar to book our first onboarding call.

Date: Friday, February 17th, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm EST. Please let me know if you need more options.

I’m so excited to get to know you, hear all about your goals, and get you going to a TRANSFORMATION like no other! Love and cheers!

Julia Linn
Coach, Educator, Speaker,
Certified by International Sports Sciences Assoc (ISSA)