You’re In!

Be The Shapeshifter!

11-Month Program

You have taken a very important step in your life!

If you remain consistent and dedicated in your fitness goals in this program, you will become the Amazing Woman you always knew you could be! Start being her right now! I am honored to walk this path with you and witness your Transformation.

This 11-month “SHAPESHIFTER” program is a continuation of your fitness journey. There is no endpoint in fitness, and always an opportunity to SPIRAL UP.

The bones of the program are below:

  • Structure
  • Consistency
  • Lasting Transformation
  • Mindset Tools
  • Behavior Change
  • Commitment
  • Accountability
  • Community

The rest is up to you! Together we will walk the day-in-and-day-out path to fitness in a measured, moderate way.




Important Info



The dates for the Be the Shapeshifter! live virtual classes are on Tuesdays, 3-4:30 PM Eastern Time.

  • January: 3rd, 17th, and 31st
  • February: 14th & 28th
  • March: 14th, & 28th
  • April: 11h & 25th
  • May: 9th & 23rd
  • June: 6th & 10th
  • July: 5th & 18th
  • August: 1st, 15th, & 29th
  • September: 12th & 26th
  • October: 10th & 24th
  • November 7th

The Zoom link for Be the Shapeshifter! is:

Meeting ID: 874 0592 6417
Passcode: 574305

You will have access to all the recorded sessions and worksheets. If you can’t make a class, it will be posted in a private, password-protected Vimeo collection online, which you can access on your time. The password will be released when you sign up. 

Worksheets and replay links will post on Slack and also be emailed to you.

Your check-in form will be sent via email – a reminder the day before check-ins are due – as a JotForm. Just fill it out and submit it directly online.  Easy!

Thinkific will no longer be used.

You will have access to the class and recordings for another 3 months after the Program ends.

The tools you will need to get started are the same as what we have used in the 12 week SEE the DIFFERENCE Program:

  • A dedicated notebook
  • Tape measure
  • Phone camera
  • A very positive mindset that YOU CAN DO THIS!

I’m honored that you have allowed me to take you along this journey in the last program. I’m even more honored and excited to start with you on this phase of your fitness journey.

You are going to SHAPESHIFT big time.

I’m so ready to SPIRAL UP WITH YOU!!

Love always,

Julia Linn
Coach, Educator, Speaker,
Certified by International Sports Sciences Assoc (ISSA)