The Best Shape of Your Life!

You’re In!

YOU DID IT and you will DO IT! Get in the Best Shape of Your Life!

This 4-session Live Transformational Masterclass, The Best Shape of Your Life, is the beginning of your fitness journey or the continuation of the one you have started. There is no endpoint in fitness, and always an opportunity to SPIRAL UP.

Important Info


The dates for our live virtual class are on Saturdays, at 11 AM EDT.

    • August 26
    • September 2 (bonus recording)
    • September 9
    • September 16
    • September 23
    • September 30 (bonus live)

The Zoom link for our classes is:
    Meeting ID: 864 8024 6702
    Passcode: 146352

Join the Mighty Networks private community and communication tool. It’s a free app, available on mobile and desktop.

Here’s a short introduction to some of my fitness philosophy, taken from Instagram if you have never seen my account. Download it here. You can see more @dolphinine.


Some tools you will need to get started:

  • A dedicated notebook
  • Tape measure
  • Phone camera
  • A very positive mindset that YOU CAN DO THIS!

Later on there will be grocery lists, equipment lists for home gym, and other resources to help you on your journey. But the most important resource is YOU, your willingness to transform, knowing it’s not about weight loss it’s about SPIRALING UP in body, mind, and spirit. Weight loss is a happy side effect, but more powerfully, muscles, strength, longevity, and FEELING AMAZING is the MAJOR PAYOFF!

Check your emails for more information to come. I’ll be keeping in touch with you before we start and giving you some readiness tasks (don’t worry nothing big!) to get super prepared. Make sure I don’t land in your spam folder.

I am beyond excited to get started with all of you amazing women out there! As an educator of 40 years, and a woman in her 60s, what’s important to me is giving back, sharing what I know, and serving others. I know, as many of you do, that when you teach what you love, you actually learn MORE!

So let’s do this! I’m ready to SPIRAL UP WITH YOU!!

Love always,

Julia Linn
Coach, Educator, Speaker, Best-Selling Author
Certified by International Sports Sciences Assoc (ISSA)